-A Thesis statement is the sentence that basically sums up what your whole essay is going to be about. It is the argument in which you are trying to prove or the point that you are trying to make. (wisegeek.com) Ex. “Censorship in Sea Haven and in other societies promotes a lack of gratification and a search for truth.”
-When you research something, you are looking at various forms of media; books, internet, TV, magazines etc. in a sequential way in order to find ideas, prove theories, or even gain more knowledge. (dictionary.com) Ex. I looked up the meaning for question one on geekwise.com
-An argument is taking the pro or con (different view points) of a particular subject and stating the facts that prove your side to be true. (dictionary.com) Ex. Bones need vitamin D and Calcium. Milk is good for the bones because, there is vitamin D and Calcium in milk.
-A claim is something that is alleged and meant to be true, but it is not certain. Ex. Lady Gaga was a man.
-A reason is a statement that can be given to explain why something is the way it is. Ex. I was late to class because I missed my stop and had to walk back three blocks.
-Evidence is information that increases the chances of something that is alleged to be true. The probability of the truth gets higher. (human-brain.org/evidence.html) Ex. The man killed his wife, because his finger prints were on the knife that killed her, and his wife’s blood was on his shirt and pants.
-MLA citation is a particular way in referencing a source to show that you got information or ideas from there. Ex. Harris, Robert. "Evaluating Internet Research Sources."
VirtualSalt. 15 June 2008. Web. 20 Apr. 2009.
(Harris, Robert. “Citing Web Source MLA style”
Jan 15th 2009. Web. April 6, 2010
2) Louis wants us to share our opinion on the topic of media being blamed for violence in children. He wants us to look at things from a sociological stand point and research of some of the factors that might contribute to the violence in children; TV being the main source, whether the shows were violent or not. My initial opinion of the topic is that TV does have some effect on the way children are so violent but not 100 percent. I believe this because children are innocent and they get a lot of influences from their surroundings. There is a lot of evidence supporting my ideas in the new today seeing little kids fighting in the street and the parents rooting them on, as well as bringing guns and bombs to school because of what is being watched on TV. I think my first source is going to be news paper articles to get ideas of real stories that happened to compare my opinion with.
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