Jasmine Heyward
Media and Society HUC 27
Professor Lucca
April 29th 2010
1996: two students, a teacher killed by a 14 year old boy in Moses Lake Wash, 1998: four students and one teacher killed along with 10 wounded at a Middle school in Arkansas by an 11 and 13 year old, 2000: A six year old girl shot by a six year old boy at Buell Elementary, 2005: a 16 year old killed his grandfather, a security guard, teacher and five students followed by himself in Red Lake Minn., and the list goes on (“Timeline of World School Shootings”). Violent acts in kids as young as six years old have been taking place in different parts of the world. I feel as if television has a partial contribution to the spike in violence in the United States. But I absolutely disagree with that being the sole reason for the violence in children. Violent acts in general have taken place as far back as the Bible. The jealousy of “favoritism” from God caused Cain; a farmer, to kill his brother Able; a Shepherd, because Able’s sacrifice was liked more (by God) than Cain’s sacrifice. Violence occur all the time, only do the major situations get paid attention to. I think that there are numerous factors in life that influence violence, television just promotes it, making it prevalent to children. The epidemic in which violence grows is based on the lack of parenting and control they have over their children.
Violence is the act of causing pain to another person as well as to one’s self, and it doesn’t have to always be physical. It can be verbal and emotional. Violence also can come in different forms too, ranging anywhere from isolation of groups, to assaults, and the major one bullying. The question still remains: is television; not only violent TV, the source of all violence in children? I think not. Violence can start out in people very young and if it is failed to be addressed, can transform into something rather fatal and in turn led to escalading violent acts, such as these events in 1996-2005. I have never known a cartoon or any “family show” for that matter that gives ideas to kill your mother or teachers classmates or yourself, at school, and if you can think of a show, by all means enlighten me. On April 1st 2010 in Waycross, Georgia a group of 3rd graders brought weapons to school in hopes of stabbing a teacher who penalized a child prior to this incident. These eight and nine year old brought, duct tape, steel handcuffs, and even a steak knife, to school. The major thing is my mind is where are these children’s parents? These are not teenagers who are in a point in their life where they rebel and don’t tell their parents anything; but these are young children bringing these types of weapons to school. Shouldn’t these types of things be put up from children as well as being explained as off limit items? It is the parent’s job to step in and regulate certain situations; this being one of them. These were not homemade weapons but things you find around the house. I’m not even sure I knew what duct tape was at the age of eight or nine years old.
In an article on kidshealth.org titled “How TV affects your Child” made a good point that “violent” shows on television watched by little kids doesn’t make them violent but in actuality it makes them fear the world. This is true because as a young child they are not able to distinguish real acts from fake acts. So when a child, the age of eight or nine comes to school with weapons I can only wonder if the parent instilled certain morals, rules and discipline in these children. The article also pointed out the fact that TV is not permanently display in the brains of people nor permanently projected on the walls of people’s homes. Parents have a choice. They are different ways to keep kids out of TV’s and into other things a lot more productive. Whether or not TV promotes violence, it ultimately revert backs to the parent. In Cleveland, Ohio a 14 year old shot two students and two teachers before killing his-self. What television shows really influences this type of behavior in children? As I said before there for different forms of violence but we are not talking about name calling or bullying people during recess. We are talking about full blown, straight to the point shootings, in various states and even countries; including, but not limited to Germany and Argentina.
A television show can present to a child how to hold or maybe even fire a gun but a television definitely cannot put a gun in the palm of their hands. In an article by Brenda Coleman entitled “Studies on the Influence of Media Violence on Children” presents a problem with the research stating that TV influences children. The flaw is basically saying that people are using television as a scapegoat rather than focusing on the task at hand. 10 years after television was introduced to North America as well as South Africa is when crime rates spiked. There are other countries that have very violent shows and their crime rates are tremendously lower. A country replicating that would be Japan. Violence was around way before television was. So no, I do not believe TV influences violence. What would be the scapegoat in situations where acts of violence. Then who would be to blame?
Think about all the mediums out there for Children and teens to absorb data. There is Television, Internet, and music. Ding ding ding!!!!! We have a winner. Music is a highly used medium in youth today. There are all types of portable devices that allow music to be everywhere adolescence are. From hip hop music, talking about: guns, drugs, money and girls, to heavy metal sending out diabolical messages. This medium; music, leaves room for absorption of messages pretty easily. For example in hip hop’s own Snoop Dogg, lyrics in the song “Drop it like it’s hot” he raps “you gotta gun, so you wanna pop that, AK47 now n---- stop that”. This line is basically talking about guns and using them. Part of the reason why adolescence replicate these violence acts is not because they like the actual violence but they look up to the people performing the violence. If someone liked Snoop Dogg in this case, they probably would want to immolate his actions, based on the feelings he/she has for him. Same goes with police officers beating on people, if a kid wants to become a police officer “when he grows up” the fact that a humane figure is doing that, puts it in a more glorified light. And as we spoke before children cannot distinguish fiction versus non-fiction. But back to music. In genres like heavy metal, they send out just as much demonic and violent messages. In a song titled “I kill children” by Dead Kennedy they say, “I kill children I love to see them die, I kill children to make their mother’s cry.” This line is depicting some very violent ideas. And these are just two examples, one from only two genres of music, so just imagine how many more songs out there influence violent behavior. Instead of imagining I’ll walk you through a couple of hip hop songs that evoke violent behavior. A song entitled “Violence” by Cam’ron and ODB, states “I put a gun to you girl, that’s how I f--- her…I put a gun to your brain, push you in front of a train.” Ask around to find out how many people like Cam’ron or even ODB and admire the music that these people make. Music is a very powerful medium. Lets continue on to the song “Pray for Death” by Blessed Death A role model is a very important job because in the case of these young kids having access to these types of things, their role vicariously plays out in adolescences. If parents insist on allowing forms of media raise their children then the least these parents can do is make sure children have the right role models.
Basically I am arguing against the “Cable Guy” affect (not that, that is a real affect.) Jim Carey played “The Cable Guy” and basically he was placed in front of television as a child, and grew up imitating the things he saw on those shows as a kid, in his adult life. I am arguing against that because everyone has a filter and a perspective of certain things. This statement pertains to older kids, such as teens. The same way you can make the choice of what foods not to like the choice can be made not to perform violent acts. In Finland in 2007 an 18 year old boy shot and killed five boys, two girls, and a principal, prior to killing himself. Also in Finland in 2008 20 year old killed nine students and himself. These adolescences know right from wrong and still look what the outcome of that is. Television does not have that much power, to influence numerous groups of children and in this case teens, to go on what looks to be killing sprees.
Work Cited
“Timeline of Worldwide School Shootings” infoplease.com. Pearson Education, 2007. Web. April 27, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Blog 14-report out- outlins sketch, more to come
I. intro-
In this essay I will prove how lighting (dark and light), along with special effects convey all themes associated with good and evil, as well innocence and deviance
II. Dark and Light, Lighting
ex 1
ex 2
ex 3
III. Special effects
ex 1
ex 2
ex 3
IV. Conclude
Re-enforce ideas
a small rewrite, a few changes not many!
In this essay I will prove how lighting (dark and light), along with special effects convey all themes associated with good and evil, as well innocence and deviance. As soon as the movie started one of the major special effects that I noticed was the super imposition/ mirror image of the trains colliding. Right at that point that special effect tells you that two storylines; the way of life of the city woman versus the way of life of the country woman were going to come together and in this case good and evil. The first character introduced in Sunrise: A song of Two Humans was the City woman. The effects of lighting as well as lighting in other aspects (dark and light) created the image of her being “evil”. She had dark messy hair that she parted down the middle before she left for a night out, and the night that she was going to get the husband, she picked up a colorful dress on her bed, after looking at it she threw it down and picked up an all black dress to wear out that night. In that instant you see how, what she decides to wear portrays the character that she is, which is evil.. When she gets outside of the house it is dark, she whistles from outside for the husband to come out from his brightly lit house (where the wife is also.) The husband hears the sound and ultimately goes out to have an affair with the city woman. In the shot, the side of the room where he changes his coat is darkly lit compared to the side of the room where the wife would enter the scene; conveying the message that he is about to do something devious while the wife’s plans was to bring food in the dining area on the lit side of the room in that shot. This is when the character of the wife is introduced. When the husband is already gone the wife comes out to find that he is not there. She is the complete opposite of the city woman. She never had to touch her hair, it was neatly pulled back and the color of her hair was blonde (the opposite of dark) and she had lighter color clothes on, more rural and covered up. This simple description of the woman shows already, that there is a difference in these two women. The wife is portrayed as the innocent type (because she is) and how the country affects the way she is in contrary to the city affecting the city woman.
When the words: “they used to be like children, carefree…always happy and laughing” showed up the sequence immediately after that was the wife and the husband in a meadow with high key lighting (very bright) and exudes the happiness in which they use to share. Then when the other words “Now he ruins himself for that woman from the city- money lenders strip the farm-” the next shot is a very low light and dark. When they talked about his wife it is always high key lighting, and when they talk about the city woman the lighting is all low key lighting.
I. intro-
In this essay I will prove how lighting (dark and light), along with special effects convey all themes associated with good and evil, as well innocence and deviance
II. Dark and Light, Lighting
ex 1
ex 2
ex 3
III. Special effects
ex 1
ex 2
ex 3
IV. Conclude
Re-enforce ideas
a small rewrite, a few changes not many!
In this essay I will prove how lighting (dark and light), along with special effects convey all themes associated with good and evil, as well innocence and deviance. As soon as the movie started one of the major special effects that I noticed was the super imposition/ mirror image of the trains colliding. Right at that point that special effect tells you that two storylines; the way of life of the city woman versus the way of life of the country woman were going to come together and in this case good and evil. The first character introduced in Sunrise: A song of Two Humans was the City woman. The effects of lighting as well as lighting in other aspects (dark and light) created the image of her being “evil”. She had dark messy hair that she parted down the middle before she left for a night out, and the night that she was going to get the husband, she picked up a colorful dress on her bed, after looking at it she threw it down and picked up an all black dress to wear out that night. In that instant you see how, what she decides to wear portrays the character that she is, which is evil.. When she gets outside of the house it is dark, she whistles from outside for the husband to come out from his brightly lit house (where the wife is also.) The husband hears the sound and ultimately goes out to have an affair with the city woman. In the shot, the side of the room where he changes his coat is darkly lit compared to the side of the room where the wife would enter the scene; conveying the message that he is about to do something devious while the wife’s plans was to bring food in the dining area on the lit side of the room in that shot. This is when the character of the wife is introduced. When the husband is already gone the wife comes out to find that he is not there. She is the complete opposite of the city woman. She never had to touch her hair, it was neatly pulled back and the color of her hair was blonde (the opposite of dark) and she had lighter color clothes on, more rural and covered up. This simple description of the woman shows already, that there is a difference in these two women. The wife is portrayed as the innocent type (because she is) and how the country affects the way she is in contrary to the city affecting the city woman.
When the words: “they used to be like children, carefree…always happy and laughing” showed up the sequence immediately after that was the wife and the husband in a meadow with high key lighting (very bright) and exudes the happiness in which they use to share. Then when the other words “Now he ruins himself for that woman from the city- money lenders strip the farm-” the next shot is a very low light and dark. When they talked about his wife it is always high key lighting, and when they talk about the city woman the lighting is all low key lighting.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Blog 13-Rough-rough draft.
In this essay I will prove how lighting, along with special effects convey all themes associated with good and evil, as well innocent and deviant. As soon as the movie started one of the major special effects that I noticed was the dissolve/ mirror image of the trains colliding. Right at that point that special effect tells you that two storylines were going to come together and in this case good and evil will collide. The first character introduced was the City woman. The effects of lighting as well as lighting in other aspects created the image of her being “evil”. She had dark messy hair that she parted down the middle before she left for a night out, and the night that she was going to get the husband, she picked up a colorful dress on her bed, after looking at it she threw it down and picked up an all black dress to wear out that night. In that instant you see how where she is from (the city) affects the way she dresses. When she gets outside of the house it is dark, she whistles from outside for the husband to come out from his brightly lit house (where the wife is also.) The husband hears the sound and ultimately goes out to have an affair with the city woman. The side of the room where he changes his coat is darkly lit compared to the side of the room where the wife would enter the scene; claiming that he is about to do something devious while the wife’s plans was to bring food in the dining area for her husband. This is when the character of the wife is introduced. When the husband is already gone the wife comes out to find that he is not there. She is the complete opposite of the city woman. She never had to touch her hair, it was neatly pulled back and the color of her hair was blonde (the opposite of dark). This simple description of the woman shows already, that there is a difference in these two women. The wife is portrayed as the innocent type (because she is) and how the country affects the way she is in contrary to the city affecting the city woman.
When the words: “they used to be like children, carefree…always happy and laughing” showed up the sequence immediately after that was the wife and the husband in a meadow with high key lighting (very bright) and exudes the happiness in which they use to share. Then when the other words “Now he ruins himself for that woman from the city- money lenders strip the farm-” the next shot is a very low light and dark. When they talked about his wife it is always high key lighting, and when they talk about the city woman the lighting is all low key lighting.
When the words: “they used to be like children, carefree…always happy and laughing” showed up the sequence immediately after that was the wife and the husband in a meadow with high key lighting (very bright) and exudes the happiness in which they use to share. Then when the other words “Now he ruins himself for that woman from the city- money lenders strip the farm-” the next shot is a very low light and dark. When they talked about his wife it is always high key lighting, and when they talk about the city woman the lighting is all low key lighting.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Blog 12-report out
YES!!!! I think I found my hook. I found a lot of information that is strengthening my argument and I also got something written down. The bits and pieces of ideas that I wrote down the other day is actually coming together. I am seeing a structure of a paper forming and I am happy!
Anybody that is taking the side of TV not being to reason violence is rising maybe we can exchange ideas if you guys are having problems. other than that, research is coming along nicely as well as my writing.
Anybody that is taking the side of TV not being to reason violence is rising maybe we can exchange ideas if you guys are having problems. other than that, research is coming along nicely as well as my writing.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Blog 11- Down to Business
So it looks like my introduction is not going to get written just yet, but I do have some relatively GREAT news. At first when I had my claim I was a little shaking on how I was going to back it up because there was a lot of evidence in the favor of TV being the influence of violence. But as I brainstormed ideas and researched them at the same time I realized that there were just as many reasons to support my claim. So basically instead of making a complete structure of my introduction I jotted down some notes to help me format the reasons why I am right. That was way off from, my idea of getting my intro completed. I feel a lot better that I have more arguments to follow up on and prove my claim to be correct. I came to class with an outline but my only worry is if the things I outlined are completely relevant to the whole idea. I think the only way to complete know that is to do a draft, so that means a lot of writing and re-writing. I’m super hyped because of the evidence that I found and I think I am working towards a nice structured paper. The other hard part is actually getting it in ORDER. I hope this outlining process saves m life…!!!
For next class I will be really happy if I am able to have a nice structured intro, and if not the intro, I want to have my reasons and support down. I have everything jumbled in my book, and I just want to be able to see it on paper, neatly and organized.
For next class I will be really happy if I am able to have a nice structured intro, and if not the intro, I want to have my reasons and support down. I have everything jumbled in my book, and I just want to be able to see it on paper, neatly and organized.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Blog 9- preparation for the mid-term!
-A Thesis statement is the sentence that basically sums up what your whole essay is going to be about. It is the argument in which you are trying to prove or the point that you are trying to make. (wisegeek.com) Ex. “Censorship in Sea Haven and in other societies promotes a lack of gratification and a search for truth.”
-When you research something, you are looking at various forms of media; books, internet, TV, magazines etc. in a sequential way in order to find ideas, prove theories, or even gain more knowledge. (dictionary.com) Ex. I looked up the meaning for question one on geekwise.com
-An argument is taking the pro or con (different view points) of a particular subject and stating the facts that prove your side to be true. (dictionary.com) Ex. Bones need vitamin D and Calcium. Milk is good for the bones because, there is vitamin D and Calcium in milk.
-A claim is something that is alleged and meant to be true, but it is not certain. Ex. Lady Gaga was a man.
-A reason is a statement that can be given to explain why something is the way it is. Ex. I was late to class because I missed my stop and had to walk back three blocks.
-Evidence is information that increases the chances of something that is alleged to be true. The probability of the truth gets higher. (human-brain.org/evidence.html) Ex. The man killed his wife, because his finger prints were on the knife that killed her, and his wife’s blood was on his shirt and pants.
-MLA citation is a particular way in referencing a source to show that you got information or ideas from there. Ex. Harris, Robert. "Evaluating Internet Research Sources."
VirtualSalt. 15 June 2008. Web. 20 Apr. 2009.
(Harris, Robert. “Citing Web Source MLA style”
Jan 15th 2009. Web. April 6, 2010
2) Louis wants us to share our opinion on the topic of media being blamed for violence in children. He wants us to look at things from a sociological stand point and research of some of the factors that might contribute to the violence in children; TV being the main source, whether the shows were violent or not. My initial opinion of the topic is that TV does have some effect on the way children are so violent but not 100 percent. I believe this because children are innocent and they get a lot of influences from their surroundings. There is a lot of evidence supporting my ideas in the new today seeing little kids fighting in the street and the parents rooting them on, as well as bringing guns and bombs to school because of what is being watched on TV. I think my first source is going to be news paper articles to get ideas of real stories that happened to compare my opinion with.
-A Thesis statement is the sentence that basically sums up what your whole essay is going to be about. It is the argument in which you are trying to prove or the point that you are trying to make. (wisegeek.com) Ex. “Censorship in Sea Haven and in other societies promotes a lack of gratification and a search for truth.”
-When you research something, you are looking at various forms of media; books, internet, TV, magazines etc. in a sequential way in order to find ideas, prove theories, or even gain more knowledge. (dictionary.com) Ex. I looked up the meaning for question one on geekwise.com
-An argument is taking the pro or con (different view points) of a particular subject and stating the facts that prove your side to be true. (dictionary.com) Ex. Bones need vitamin D and Calcium. Milk is good for the bones because, there is vitamin D and Calcium in milk.
-A claim is something that is alleged and meant to be true, but it is not certain. Ex. Lady Gaga was a man.
-A reason is a statement that can be given to explain why something is the way it is. Ex. I was late to class because I missed my stop and had to walk back three blocks.
-Evidence is information that increases the chances of something that is alleged to be true. The probability of the truth gets higher. (human-brain.org/evidence.html) Ex. The man killed his wife, because his finger prints were on the knife that killed her, and his wife’s blood was on his shirt and pants.
-MLA citation is a particular way in referencing a source to show that you got information or ideas from there. Ex. Harris, Robert. "Evaluating Internet Research Sources."
VirtualSalt. 15 June 2008. Web. 20 Apr. 2009.
(Harris, Robert. “Citing Web Source MLA style”
Jan 15th 2009. Web. April 6, 2010
2) Louis wants us to share our opinion on the topic of media being blamed for violence in children. He wants us to look at things from a sociological stand point and research of some of the factors that might contribute to the violence in children; TV being the main source, whether the shows were violent or not. My initial opinion of the topic is that TV does have some effect on the way children are so violent but not 100 percent. I believe this because children are innocent and they get a lot of influences from their surroundings. There is a lot of evidence supporting my ideas in the new today seeing little kids fighting in the street and the parents rooting them on, as well as bringing guns and bombs to school because of what is being watched on TV. I think my first source is going to be news paper articles to get ideas of real stories that happened to compare my opinion with.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Blog 8-Scavenger Hunt

These questions were made by Jasmine H. Ashley T. and Christopher N.
*There are two floors in the museum, the object is to answer all of the questions while also having a lot of fun. there are some really cool exhibits and you should visit all of them.
-Have fun Guys!!
scanvenger hunt questions:
1) From 1896 to 1906 what genre was the first form of movies?
2) In 1905 what were theaters renamed because of 5cent movie tickets?
3) What was one of the first games to use a vector graphic display?
4) In 1926 what two companies colaborated in order to adapt amplication technology into projectors?
5) What was the name of the first "talking picture"?
6) What was Al johnson trademark pharse for starting the sound era?
7) How does a projector work?
8) How many times per second does a prejector move?
9) What is the purpose of the two clear and the two solid parts in the shutter wheel?
10) How is the illusion of a moving image created?
11) Which game console used a 16-bit mini processor to increase graphics and contribute to faster game play?
12) What are the benifits of putting games on a disc, rather than a cartridge?
13) How many bits was a Playstation microprocessor?
14) How did the microprocessor in PlayStation affect optics?
15) What is the directors job when editing live TV?
16) Special graphics and previously recordings can be inserted into live television. True or False?
17) The official name of a "voice-over" is?
18) What was the name of the camera used in color TV for 15 years?
19) When does a voice over take place and for what reason(s)?
20) What was something negative about the use of the camera?
21) What is a mutoscope?
22) In order to get the correctt lighting for a film what must a cinemanographer do?
23) When the sunlight throughout the day changes what must a cinenomagrapher do?
24) Sound effects are recorded prior to the production of the movie. True or False?
25) How does a microphone work?
26) What was the first step in transfering sound to film and video?
27) What is the job of a director of photography, specifically?
28) What was the name of one of the first game consoles in the home?
29) What was the name of the engineer that introduced interactivity in the home (video games)?
30) when the credits roll how many names are usually on it?
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