My Blog List

Friday, May 28, 2010


I must say, in watching the movie eXistenz I have to completely disagree with "Penetrating Keanu". In the article it was claimed that “the matrix” was a infantile version of eXistenz, and that it was the inside of what males really and truly think about. If anything eXistenz is just that, The fantasy inside a guys mind. the movie dealt with so much scatology that I couldn’t bare it much. the way the author of “penetration Keanu” feels about the action in the matrix is the way I feel about the use of bodily fluids in eXistenz, All the things a guy could ask for is in this movie. From video games, killing, to sexual innuendos all the way to the actual act of sex. the matrix on the other hand was a lot more subtle along with being a lot more realistic. ( as ironic as that may sound)
from the opening scene with a gun made of bones that shot human teeth to the weird micro chip they had to squeeze into their backs. Every moment of the movie was parallel to the life of a little boy to a grown man,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

blog23- matrix and marx

The two authors of chapter 18 are basically saying that the life of the Matrix is parallel to that of the Marxist beliefs. basically what they are saying is that Karl Marx stated that in capitalism people do not realized their realationship between work and and that capital in which they produce. this is because they are made to beleive that they are workin at their own will, and stripped from the realities of what "labor" really is. this is realated to the matrix in the sense that the "copper tops" are dependent of the system and that are unable to break free. but the matrix really is parallel to marxism because the people living in it are unaware that they are, which keeps them blind to the fact that they are in fact fueling the system with their labor. GENIEUS!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

blog 20-Penitrating The Movies.

Freeland made the claim that the Matrix is a lot more infantile than eXistenz because it was overly glorified and to deeply looked at in terms of philosophy. She basically felt as if the action that partook in the movie “ The Matrix” was what made it better than the movie “eXistenz” and that “the Matrix” is a conjured up version of a guy’s fantasy. She uses a lot of evidences referring to scatology. The exchange in bodily fluids and other fluids throughout the movie were evidences that she used to prove her point. I highly disagree with her claim because I feel as if she was being bias. I feel that she didn’t give any credit where credit was due. Like that movie was really good in the fact that it had some parallels in very important parts of philosophy but she wasn’t willing to give credit to that instead she said it was only considered good based on the action.

blog 19- who said games R for children?

ok so i took it back to one of the first games that kids learn how to play! Memory with a twist!

( to be continued )

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

blog 18 brainstorming on the final

wait so i had the funniest idea for a final, and im thinking if i should use it. Well the concept is not funny but the material would be. Basically i was gonna do framing and perception, and deviance (since im a sociologist @ heart). i was going to do framing on racism. how racism is only okay if it is ligitimzed and basically if it is funny. so i was going to gather a lot of info especially from youtube on racist jokes and stuff. i want to make a funny video and present it in a way where i dont have to really say much about the topic, but so the veiwers can draw that conclusion for themselves. that's all i have for now. im not even sure if i am going to stick with idea.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blog 17- Finals mann

soooo basically for the whole class i was going through random websites in order to find out what i wanted to do for my final. i got a few i dead but i don't want to speak on them as of yet because im not completely sure. I'm also wondering if i should buy a new camera because i lost mine recently. and i don't want to use pics from the internet i rather use pics that i took (even tho I'm not a photographer)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog 16- Matrixxxxxx Possibilty=) draft1

I believe that we live in the matrix, and in this essay I will explain why I disagree with David Nixon’ claim, that we do not live in the matrix. In the book The Matrix and Philosophy, Nixon goes on to say that in order for things to be knowledge it must be justified. I believe that is untrue because in order for something to become knowledge it has to derive from a belief. There are false beliefs as well as true beliefs. For example Nixon says “you might believe that the moon is a hollowed –out enclave where moon goblins live…” it is possible that there are goblins living in the moon, but there are thousands of people that could believe that’s not true, as well as thousands of people who do. But like I said before if there are false beliefs and true beliefs how can knowledge be made, if none of these people have actually been to the moon to structure these beliefs. I think that I something is derived from an opinion or a belief then it cannot be true. Everything we know as people are based on man-made ideologies. The only reason we know that the color blue is blue is because at some point of another someone told us that. For all we know blue can possibly not be a color at all. Nixon also made a claim that the truth cannot exist without falsehood and if that is so that furthers my opinion that of us living in the matrix. Truth is only based on the ideologies of the society in which one lives. Things that are okay in this country may not be so in another, so what does that say about truth? In America it is true that woman can show their legs, arms and other parts of their bodies during the summer, in Muslim cultures it is true that woman can not show any part of their bodies no matter what weather it is. In other countries it is true that men can have multiple wives at one time and in America it is true that a man can only have one wife at a time. And I can go on and on with those types of examples. I don’t think we live in the type of “matrix” that our bodies are submerged in a tank of pink goo, but I think we are in a matrix that has submerged our minds. Yes you can question everything in life, because if you didn’t there would nothing to live by, which brings me to Nixon’ possible/probable claim. Anything in life is possible which means it can or cannot happen. Probability on the other hand is the likelihood of these things happening. I do believe that probability plays a large role in things that are known as true beliefs; but back you my first argument you cannot base knowledge off of a belief. The main thing I can compare this matrix to is the string theory in physics. It’s like another life that can be going on at the same time that something else is going on, but you don’t really have the capability of knowing. String theory is parallel to saying that justified beliefs are truths.
At one point I thought there was a difference between reality and truth, but I’ve realized that they are the same thing. Nothing can be proven based on what someone has told you, and ultimately MADE you believe. Our minds are not seeing life plainly for what is it, because our thoughts were altered. We see trees as trees; grass as grass and the sky and the sky simply because we were once told that’s what those things are. By learning it alters your own state of thought and value of things. The matrix has been around longer than we thing and we are so “deep into the rabbit hole” that there is no turning back!